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Guiness & Finlay

Guiness & Finlay are Irish Kerry cattle - a rare breed. Guiness would have gone to the abbatoir the following week if he hadn’t come to the sanctuary. Finlay’s future wasn’t looking too bright either!


Whilst staying in rural Devon for the night, I woke to the sound of fierce bellowing. Fearing the local farmer (who had a reputation for neglect and unkindness to animals) was treating a cow badly, I marched down the farm track in my pyjamas to confront him! Actually what I found was a pleasant smallholder who was bemused by the bellowing of a young animal he had bred but whose castration had been problematic. He was left with an infertile bullock who still had the hormones, and therefore the behaviour, of a bull. 


The smallholder told me that he was destined for the abattoir the following week. After some deliberation, I decided that my principle was to try and help any animal that crossed my path who needed assistance. I phoned the smallholder and asked him if I could buy Guinness, who is an Irish Kerry - a rare breed. He agreed and so Guinness joined the “Cherish” family. As he is a herd animal, he has been joined by some other Kerry cattle on loan. They are friendly and very beautiful!

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